Ever question yourself on how to stop overeating?
“I wasn’t hungry, but I found myself eating more and more.
I told myself that I would stop after a few bites, but I never did.
I just kept eating and eating until the food was gone.
Sad to say, but this type of comment comes straight from one of my clients before she started working with me and I hear similar versions every week. People wanting to know how to stop overeating.
Have you ever felt like you’re eating too much and cannot stop compulsive overeating?
You’re not alone.
According to the National Institutes of Health, overeating is defined as eating when you’re not hungry and eating too much.
Overeating can lead to weight gain and obesity, which are risk factors for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and other chronic conditions.
Stress, boredom, and emotions are just some of the many contributors to overeating. Wanna know how to stop overeating?
The good news is, though it can be a difficult habit to break, it is not impossible to know how to stop overeating!
By following these six steps, you can manage better your emotions and stress to avoid overeating.
Tip 1: Eat slowly and chew your food properly
Take the time to enjoy your meal by savoring each bite at a slow and steady pace. Chewing your food properly will allow your body time to register that it has received calories from the food that is entering its system.
When you eat slowly and chew carefully, this will help prevent overeating because it will take longer for your brain to send signals that say “full.”
Tip 2: Avoid eating late at night
Eating late at night can lead to more overeating because you won’t be able to gauge how much food is needed until later in the day or evening. Instead of going out after work or school, make sure you have dinner planned before leaving home so that you have something ready after an exhausting day.
Tip 3: Make sure you’re well hydrated
Hydration is vital for our health because it helps us maintain the right balance of fluids in our bodies through our kidneys, which filter out toxins from our bloodstream.
Dehydration can cause serious health problems such as headaches, fatigue, dizziness, irritability, and even depression.
You should drink eight glasses of water each day – more if you exercise regularly or work outside in hot weather conditions – but make sure they contain no added sugar or artificial sweeteners such as high fructose corn syrup found in most soft drinks.
Tip 4: Plan your meals
Planning your meals helps you cut down on how much junk food you eat. By planning, you’ll know what foods are available at home and what kind of snacks are available in the pantry. You’ll also be able to tell yourself “no” more easily if the opportunity arises!
If you are looking for more information on meal planning, be sure to check out my blog, Mindset and Meal Planning Versus Diet.
Tip 5: Avoid eating when you’re stressed or bored
Stress isn’t good for anything—especially our health!
When we’re stressed out or bored with our lives (which is most days), we tend to eat more food than usual because we’re bored or anxious about something else. Try keeping a list of things that make you anxious so that when those things happen, you know exactly how long they last—and then try not to eat any chocolate until the next day!
Tip 6: Get plenty of exercises
Exercises will help keep your body healthy and ready for action when it comes time for food—and also make sure that when the time comes for eating, your body hasn’t become lazy from sitting around all day. It’s important to keep moving throughout the day.
Following these tips can help you to stop overeating and start living a healthier life.
Make sure to give them a try and see which ones work best for you.
A healthy diet and lifestyle are important for everyone, so don’t put it off any longer. Start making changes today and you’ll be on your way to a healthier future.
If you are struggling with your weight or have any questions about how to change your eating habits, I encourage you to book a consultation with me.
I would be happy to help you get started on the path to healthy eating and a healthy weight.
If you want to learn a step-by-step system to help you stop food cravings and implement healthy habits for weight loss without getting off track, so you can finally feel confident with long-lasting energy to engage in the activities you enjoy, let me introduce to you my Food Freedom Foundation Workshop.
In this FREE Food Freedom Foundation Workshop, I am going to teach you:
1. Foundational Habits: Learn my easy step-by-step plan for maintaining healthy habits (without thinking), like brushing your teeth.
2. Mindset Shifts: Discover how to stop food cravings with simple mindset shifts can lead from self-sabotaging behaviors and lingering cravings to sticking to healthy habits even if you are under stress.
3. Step-By-Step Plan: Accelerate your weight loss with my simple (yet effective) hacks and accountability.
4. Food Freedom: Get out of the restrictive dieting mode and see what you can do instead (without feeling deprived or overwhelmed).
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